Innagural Dick Konkle Award

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Triple Tree was proud to introduce a new award presented at Nall in the Fall. This award is named in honor of long time Triple Tree volunteer, Dick Konkle,   Dick passed away August 7th, 2019 at his home in Smyrna, Georgia. He was known by the aviation community as an expert craftsman building model airplanes. His award-winning RC model of the Jodel aircraft is displayed in the Triple Tree Pilot’s Lounge. He received the Bob Smith Trophy in 1992 that recognized his building skills and the superior scale detail work he included on all of his models. He also placed in the Masters Class of competition at Top Gun in 2010 with his beautiful Aeronca 7AC. Above all, Dick was our mentor, great friend, and beloved keeper of many good stories. Some of you may remember his “buddy” DD (Dicks Dog). The two found each other at Triple Tree and Dick adopted his newfound friend. The two became inseparable.  We are proud to award this inaugural award to Mike Pecue and his T-33 Shooting Star.

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